On the work of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub with a particular focus on her sound and editing work and the political nature of their film making process

Conference Screening + Talk
Konstmusiksystrar International Women in Sound Conference
Altes Finanzamt- Neukölln, Berlin

Interested in women and/or trans* who work with sound?
Interested in discussing the state of feminism in art production?
Interested in debating the idea of holding a “separatist” conference at all?
Curious? Then why not join us in Berlin Neukölln at the Altes Finanzamt from July 14-16, 2016

Altes Finanzamt- Neukölln, Berlin
July 14-16, 2016

Altes Finanzamt

Konstmusiksystrar International Conference